Radical Candor

This is a presentation I have done.  See others at Past Presentations.


Radical Candor


This is a talk covering the book Radical Candor by Kim Scott. This book absolutely amazed me with the breakdown of sooo many topics. I couldn’t stop taking notes.  In fact see my mind map for all the notes I did take! My talks cover one or two topics from the book to really share something useful and not just gloss over all the topics.

My goal is for you to get a good sense of what is Radical Candor and how you could benefit! I truly believe with Radical Candor we could start improving everyday. I can only imagine a team, a workplace, a world where everyone improves every day with real feedback. It’s an amazing possibility and we can start right now!

If enough time permits I found the Get Stuff Done Wheel to be an incredible tool for sharing new ideas, critically evaluating them, deciding a way forward and executing on them. A basic need within any team or organization and yet under facilitated.

Lightning Talk Presentation


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