Bringing Ingenuity Back to Engineering

This is a presentation Katherine Andersen and I have done.  See others at Past Presentations.


Bringing Ingenuity Back to Engineering


Developers, do you have innovative ideas that go unheard? Product Owners, does it feel like the solutions you deliver lack ingenuity? We have agile stories, empowered teams, and the latest in technology and yet we all know we could be doing better, we just don’t know how to unleash the fury. A surefire approach you are afraid to try is ShipIt Days.

ShipIt Days are an approach and a mindset to allow your team the opportunity to capitalize on innovation and their natural desire to do good things. Inspired by Google’s 20% time, 3M’s 15% time, and Atlassian’s ShipIt Days, we have been putting a new spin on this “free time” concept for years to deliver innovative, motivated and sustainable results.

In this crash course, we will cover the What, How and Why of ShipIt Days. Our goal is to arm you with the tools and enthusiasm to fight for these activities on your teams.  From communicating the idea to practical applications we offer you our real world experiences and the approaches we have successfully used on our projects.

If you’re a developer, project manager or product owner this talk is for you.


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